Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lean Updates

It's been a long while since I've blogged, and I have a few updates to discuss:

1. Lean Newsletter - My company, EMS Consulting Group, has published an online newsletter since August 2003. I will link to each new issue on this blog in the future. The latest issue can be found at:

2. Online Lean Training - In addition to the Lean Certification Program I have been teaching in Orange County for several years, I now teach a self-paced version of the lean certification program as well as individual subject courses (5S, continuous flow, kanban, etc.). For more information, see the following:

3. Articles - We have over 50 lean manufacturing articles available for your viewing at


doshimaitri said...

The idea of online Lean training is the best according to me as it would be helpful to develope htis business in any place of the world through online.Again the awarness among the people to know the things online is also increasing due to lack of time as well as money to reach the place to study.

Tetrahedron Manufacturing Services said...

Fantastic insights on the Lean Supply Chain! This article effectively highlights how lean principles can enhance efficiency and reduce waste in supply chain management.